Thursday, 19 November 2015

Hey Baby I'm your Telephone Man

You will recall earlier posts on the subject of utility angst.  The latest chapter came when we needed to move the phone line from the site van into the house. ..

You will recall (of course you will!) the pics showing a nice trench from the pole towards the house.  It was neatly lined with the trunking supplied, and a wire run through it to use as a threader for the right wire at the right moment.  So all the Telephone Man had to do was pull the existing line through the new route and connect it in the box on the side of the house.  Simple, eh?
And indeed he did.
And all was good.
But but but and again but.... part way through the following morning, the telephone number changed.  All of Ray the Builder's suppliers now had a line that when they called it said 'number unavailable', or, as there's no mobile signal, got his voicemail.  Doh!

You might like to guess how many more calls Alan made to BT trying to resolve this, but we lost count so we can't tell if you're right or not.  It became clear somewhere along the way that a ticket had been raised to put the number right, but repeatedly it didn't happen.

Then on Monday Alan spoke to someone who said 'Oh, but that's not a problem, I can put it right from here...yep, that's done, it will be on the overnight computer run'.  I had to administer smelling salts and pick him up off the floor.

And indeed in the morning, 309 had been restored to its rightful place and the (phone) bells rang out with the good news.

...It makes you wonder how much too much we're paying for utilities for getting it so wrong so often...

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