Saturday, 8 December 2018


You know they used to have 'Interludes' on the telly, like that film of someone turning something on a potter's wheel.  This post is that sort of thing - nothing to do with the build or the garden, but very pleasing (to me at least!) none-the-less.

It's about cheese. 

There, I told you it would be good.

Nearly a year ago, John and Paula gave us a cheese-making kit which we've been so busy we haven't got round to doing anything with.  Until yesterday!

Here is the inaugural cheese batch on the brew:

And here it is once the curds have formed and the first run of whey drained off...

And now - after some time under pressure to form the cheese properly - Ta Da!!! - here is some cheese!!

I thank you.

The tasting panel convenes tomorrow when Nikki and Brian arrive :)

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