Friday, 4 November 2016

How long will the weather hold?

Since our return from hols I've been frantically working on the pond to try to get it done before the weather breaks.  You've previously seen the roughed-out hole in the ground, but of course when it comes to where the edges need to be and sorting out the levels, there turns out to be a lot of work in getting it from rough to fine!  This is exacerbated by the fact that we have designed a pond-and-bog-garden combo with flagstoned edges round the pond - so there's a mid-rib in the whole thing which needs to be set exactly at the top water level all along.  See levelling device:
Happily the until yesterday we'd not had a frost and so I've been doing this with the flowerbed looking lovely.  The cosmos was very late coming into flower - you can just see one dark plant with one flower which opened on 1 Nov...

This is what it all looked like on the afternoon of 2 Nov, but sadly overnight the frost took out the cosmos and the nasturtiums. 

The candytuft (I think that's what the white stuff is!) and other hardy stuff is carrying on - and still smells delicious.

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