Monday, 26 September 2016

A View to a Hill

We swapped the spectacularly good views from our holiday cottage in the Eden Valley for this also-rather-splendid view - the gaps filled in while we were away and it's starting to look like a garden rather than a number of plants plonked into mud.  The pic below doesn't really do justice to the flowers but does remind us why we bought this plot.  I haven't spotted any slow worms or lizards living in the gabions yet, but I bet the word is getting round...
The Michaelmas daisies from Pat and Judy are doing exceedingly well - this pic doesn't really convey the range of outrageous magenta hues or the buzzing of the bees, and a number of butterflies got camera-shy and vanished as I clicked the shutter.  But the daisies are definitely the current stars of the show. As are the schizostylis from Pete in the foreground above.  And the nasturtiums.  And the cheap annual seeds from LIDL.  Thank you all....
More restrained to the eye but a sumptuous feast for the nose (if indeed noses can feast) is Blush Noisette, strategically placed on the north wall so that when the bifold doors are open the house is filled with the scent of roses.  Currently only a couple of feet high, by this time next year she will probably fill that bit of wall.  Now I need to get the welding done on the obelisks so I can get the other climbing roses and clematis into position...

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