Saturday, 14 May 2016

One Year Out!! - and practically complete...

This post is a couple of days late - I should have posted on 11 May which was one year since the building works started.  As it happens, that's the day that the architect came round to do a final inspection and pronounced 'practical completion'.  This is official recognition that it's fundamentally finished, although there's still a short list of stuff to deal with, not necessarily now.  We also have the building inspector's completion certificate, and now we have to pay the just-about-final bill.  For those who don't know the process, there's a retention of part of the contract cost to cover any works that arise during the following year, so there's a small bucket of fixing-money for anything else that pops up.  Milestone!

Sunday, 8 May 2016

Voting for the Greens

Finally it's got hot.  Here is the evidence - the first time we have opened both bifold doors:
And it IS very good.
And talking of very good, here's the greenhouse yesterday - no planties...

...and today, going Green with added cucumber and tomato:

Such a relief to have it done - if only because we can now get around the house without being attacked by cucurbits - it was a bit like a benign version of the Triffids.

Friday, 6 May 2016

Meccano for grown-ups

4 boxes of bits, a stack of glass and a set of instructions and it goes like this:

Ta da! 
Next step is to dig the hard-as-iron earth inside and make beds I can plant stuff into, then the poor dears who are living in tiny pots next to the kitchen island at present will get their luxurious new home.