Sunday, 20 December 2015


'Creak' is not the noise made by our staircase, which is solid as a solid thing.  It's the noise made by various bits of our bodies after moving in yesterday.  We got ourselves in ok for last night, today we've moved more stuff down and in from the stables and after lunch we'll be packing and moving the stuff in the office.  Oh, and the stuff parked in the roofspace... It's impressive how much stuff we got into a really small cottage - Cumulus is far from full, but it's also far far from empty!  And we really did throw an awful lot of things away when we moved down here.

Last night the house was splendid but all a bit empty and with the hard floors, also echoey.  As it's filling up today it's getting quieter.  This is set against the almost hermetic calm of the triple-glzed bifolds which make it very quiet indoors*.  Happily we still heard the birds singing this morning.  And I'd forgotten just how good the view was - can't post you pics as the camera battery is flat and the charger is in the office... - even if the foreground is currently wet clay with puddles and a mountain of topsoil.  It's still utterly glorious.
Pics later, now for 5 mins break then the assault on the office...

* apart from the two intermittent hooting noises.  One we think is the boiler resonating as it fires (for the avoidance of doubt, no, it shouldn't), and the other when it was windy last night and something sounded a little like an Oly 2B opening the airbrakes**.  I suspect something on the flue - Tim-the-Logburner is here in the morning and we'll get him to check it all out...
**for our non-gliding friends, this is a glider (my first glider!) with open-ended tubes in its construction that sings when you are landing.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I hope I'm not stealing your thunder but I am sure you recall your post of 21st May 2014. Perhaps it is time for an update? 🤔
