Sunday, 10 May 2015

It all starts tomorrow

It was very exciting last week to get a build programme - and here it is:
Shall we open a book on whether it all goes to plan? No takers? I thought not! Still, tomorrow the demolition crew arrive to start dismantling the bungalow. We've emptied everything out that we want to keep, and Charlie next door has had several roof tiles although the demolition crew belatedly decided they want to keep them and stopped him taking any more. So this is what it looks like today.
I have to get the early train up to London and won't be back till late - what will it look like when I get back?


  1. Why are the stairs and roof trusses in red?

    1. I think the answer is that Ray had some questions for Peter about it. Or it may be that he's planning to omit those steps in the build...
