Sunday, 2 November 2014

Sliding or folding? And is bespoke more expensive?

Decision time - are the two big windows going to be sliding doors or bifold doors? Heat/ventilation performance seems to be about the same. Bifold are slightly more expensive. Sliding doors have less in the sight-line when they're shut but don't open the space fully when they're open. Bifold doors open the space fully when open but have more bits in the sight-line when they're shut. Anyone out there have views or better, experience, as to which it should be? - if so please share it. Alan and I are evenly split between the two options! Would one of each be a compromise or would it look silly? Also can anyone recommend a good cabinet maker? We've been wrestling with the bathrooms & kitchen - when you know what you want, often that doesn't seem to exist so I'm wondering if it might actually be cheaper - or at least no more expensive - to go the bespoke route. Indeed, there's a suggestion that it is in fact cheaper to get someone to build it for you. Again, anyone got any advice?

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