Monday, 19 May 2014

The Story So Far... Chapter 2

14 March 2014 Went to view Lanarkshire – big name, small bungalow... The bungalow has planning permission to add a top floor. Superb location, splendid views, but... the plot faces north. Can we get a light sunny house that still faces the views? One comfort is that while we’re in the middle of the biggest floods since the Ark and the village road is currently a river, we are high enough up the hill that nowhere feels damp underfoot. I go and speak to the duty planner – he turns out to be the chap who did the planning permission for the top floor. Clearly he won’t commit to anything but in principle he’s relatively optimistic about much of what I suggest we might want to do – although of course there are no guarantees until you have the signed permission. 18 March – our offer is accepted. Oh my goodness!!! The vendors have tried a couple of times before to sell but it fell through for various reasons. They accept our offer on the basis of exchange within 28 days. We’re happy with this – if it can be done, we’d like it to be done. Over subsequent days it becomes clear that one of the things that caused ruckles before was an uplift clause in the event of redevelopment – happily this is now extinct. Instead, the concern is regarding the water supply. Southern Water are absolutely sure it’s on mains water – but have no idea where the supply is. Work that one out if you can! We poke around for a stopcock and meet several locals but fail to resolve the question. Trying to sort all this out means that we reach the 28 day limit and start to panic again – will they give up and sell to someone else instead? I’m away at the Pribina Cup in Slovakia and Alan is left panicking on his own at home - we get stressed as it slides over Easter and still doesn’t quite happen. It’s not entirely clear why it hasn’t happened – our solicitor assures us she’s talking to them and they’re happy but do we relax? No we don’t! 30 April Finally... after a few last minute hiccups, we exchanged contracts this afternoon.

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