Sunday, 24 February 2019

Spring - sprunging all over the place; lighting design

We don't have any frogspawn in the pond yet but I can tell you it's not for want of froggy business happening.  I think I've also seen a newt scurrying out of sight (if you can scurry underwater).

Today it's been glorious - February traditionally delivers at least one day of shorts weather and that's been today. 

Lunch outside in the sunshine, listening to bees buzzing, birds tweeting, woodpeckers woodpecking, rooks cawing whilst carrying twigs, nature generally doing its stuff all around.

Grass has been cut, edges edged (mostly) and general tidying has been occurring.

The crocuses are enjoying the sunshine, and bumblebees bigger than the crocus flowers have been fighting their way in and topping up.

Here are dogwoods, birch and crocus in the winter garden - daffs are just starting to come through but not really visible in this pic.  The intention is to wood-chip this area, I have a huge pile of twigs which I'm not chipping yet pending hopefully getting some tree-work done next month and being able to use an industrial chipper rather than my own rather slow one.

The hedge roses in the foreground were transplanted here as part of the general shuffling over the winter, their buds are swelling now so hopefully we'll have a bit of a thicket here in another couple of months.

Meanwhile indoors, we have finally designed. built and installed the over-table lighting fixture and it looks like this...  Alan's fitted a clever remote-dimmable switch to drive it, thus getting round the fact that the switch wiring as fitted in the build was actually nowhere near where the light fitting needed to be - ie in the middle of the void above the stairs.  It was a bit ticklish installing it, as you can imagine...