Saturday, 21 April 2018

And now for the good newts

Last time I wrote we were under thick snow.  Then it rained interminably.  A few weeks later we're basking in 25C sunshine and spring has finally been allowed to sprung - and everything's racing to catch up.
Here you can see not only the newly gabioned box balls but also the water feature pouring a sheet of water into the pond and making a very nice noise as it does it.  This morning I was sat talking on the phone to John and peering into the pond when all of a sudden, a newt swam into view.  This is really exciting new(t)s- first newt spot in the new(t) pond.  Pond already has fish, frogs, toads, pond skaters, water boatmen, whirly-round-and-round beetles (that may not be their scientific name) and several different types of damsel and dragonfly. Plus one unusual aquatic - we have a swimming pigeon - something I've never seen before.

While we were away on holiday, our lovely neighbour Charlie came round with his cultivator and, as a swap for some turf, dug out the rest of the new beds for us.  When it finally stopped raining, I got some soil improver in and a ton of flint out, while Alan planted and wired up some posts. We have an apple to be espaliered each side plus a stepover cordon making a buttress each side of the central gap.  Plan is to have an ornamental of some sort trained alongside the apples but exactly what is not yet sorted, so meanwhile I've planted sticks there instead.  The 'big' grasses in between are almost big enough to be seen in these pics.  Hoping there isn't more cold weather to come as I've thrown the osteospermums out of the greenhouse into the new border to make room for the tomatoes and cucumbers.