Monday, 30 January 2017

Any Way the Wind Blows

Alan's ordered-slightly-too-late-to-be-here-for-Christmas present arrives :)

Saturday, 28 January 2017

Dark Side of the Room

Pink Floyd eat yer heart out - this is our banister refracting today's gorgeous sunshine onto the landing wall...

Sunday, 15 January 2017

What a difference a year makes....

This time last year - January '16

Now - January '17

Perhaps the hard work in the garden has paid off after all...
And here is the pond.  The wet bit on the left is the main pond, the thin middle slice is where the central path will be - the dip currently with water in is space for the concrete base for the paving, and on the right is the bog garden.  The pond is now full to above the planting shelf. 

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

New Year, New... Hedge!

Shame it's a beech hedge, not yew - but sometimes life can just be poetically disappointing like that.  Anyway, Happy New Year, everyone!
Yes, today the replacement beech whips arrived to fill the gaps in the hedge we planted last year.  Given the forecast for the next few days I popped them in the ground pronto while it was poppable...  We also have some dogwoods and spindle - they don't have a home to go to yet so they're just heeled in pro tem.  The pond is filling up nicely - just reached the planting shelf level. 
It's officially spring as we've seen a snowdrop out at the other end of the village - they're only just poking their noses up in our garden though.  However we do have five things in flower: primroses, cyclamen coum, mahonia, pink hedge stuff (nope, no idea) and... rocket.  Why it's in flower now, who can say?
I will try to remember to get the camera out next time it's sunny...