Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Glorious weather!

Erratum - actually, in the last blog, it's 5 months not 6 since the 'before' picture.  So that's ok then...

Anyway, as flaming June continues and the pond has filled itself up in spite of not having a waterproof lining, I thought I'd post the gardeners' equivalent of kitten pictures to cheer us all up.

Oh, and there's one bit of house news as well which is that the Building Guarantee Man came round last week and did his final inspection so we probably now have a comeback if it falls down tomorrow.

From the Alpine bed alongside the patio, here's the delospermum and the alpine pink

While climbing up the temporary poles (I'm about to implement Plan B for getting the obelisks welded up) on the terrace are clematis - here is Ooh La La and below is Niobe.

Of course the great advantage of the current weather is that stuff doesn't need as much watering-in as  might otherwise be the case...

Saturday, 11 June 2016

What a difference a day makes...

...well, 6 months anyway!
Our regular reader was kicking me gently as we've not posted for nearly a month.  A couple of days ago I took a pic from the standard viewpoint in the NW corner of the plot, and looking today I see the last time I took a pic from there was exactly 6 months ago.
Well, 'during' actually.  Progress, I think you'll agree!
The lawn is now very good in places but pretty bare still in others, and the planting is gradually getting its toes in.  This is the top bed where the perennials are now looking reasonably well established and are starting to grow away:

Along the patio the alpines are enjoying the sun although as you can see, there's a lot of grass still germinating in what is now a flower bed

And it won't be long before we're eating our own cucumbers and tomatoes.  Less sure about melons though!


The main veg plot is coming on nicely - salad is ready, and broad beans won't be long.  My hopes that as it's a new plot there won't be too many pests have proved unsound in the case of slugs, who have got most of the cornichons and are having a go at the courgettes - although the latter may be Alan pretending to be a slug in the hopes of not having to eat up the courgette glut later on...