Tuesday, 27 January 2015

1 down

Those who know our nightly proclivities (!!) will suspect this is a crossword reference. Sadly not, it's sharing the news that one of the builders has pulled out of the tender process citing enough work to keep him busy in the near future. Three left in at present.

Sunday, 25 January 2015


Today is RSPB birdwatch day. In our garden we regularly see blue tits by the dozen, coal tits and great tits, a flock of long-tailed tits which blast through mid-morning, a pair of nuthatch, several dunnocks, two robins, several blackbirds, and an annoying number of pigeons. Chaffinch, goldfinch, greenfinch. Thrush and missel thrush. A wren. Rooks, crows and jackdaws, and we hear ravens although I haven't seen one in our paddock. Buzzards - one spent most of last summer thermalling over the stud paddock immediately behind - and a pair of red kites. Pheasant. I've spotted a spotted woodpecker. And I've once seen a sparrow in the garden, present company excepted!

Friday, 16 January 2015

Window Pain

First, the exciting news is that the tender packs have gone out with a closing date of 13 Feb....stand by! In the light of the first cut of the budget, we really do need to look at the most cost-effective options for some of the elements. So - it's difficult decision time for windows. We would like Tilt and Turn - but these are of course more expensive than casement. We've just been up to the Kloeber window showroom and prodded all their doors and windows; we like their stuff and they do some standard-sized special offers. Great local joinery company Input has sensibly priced alternatives for some. I think we will have to use a mixture of the ones we really want and the best price on less important areas to keep the bill to a minimum - but will this impact on the look of the house? Perhaps some Photoshopping is required...

Friday, 9 January 2015

First 'Grand Designs' Moment...

...yes, you guessed it, the first cut of the cost is scarily over budget. But we are not losing heart (well, not much!!!) as there are a number of things we know are in the schedule above prices we've already got, along with some quite clearly 'prudent' estimates in the place of awaited quotes and some areas where we can, if required, downrate the spec. However, there is a way to go to get it down to our budget. So on balance, I feel that the application of a stiff sherry is definitely called for. Meanwhile we're going out to tender on the basis of the current design while completing the cost review in parallel. Right, off to get that sherry now!